recent news

“The Lifecycle of Plastic Pollution” pamphlet by Black Women for Wellness
Printable tri-fold pamphlet detailing many harms of plastics production and waste.
Community Engagement
International Day of Climate Action
International Day of Climate Action is celebrated every October 24th and is dedicated to raising awareness about the urgent need to address climate change. People come together to highlight the importance of environmental conservation, promote sustainable practices,...
Zero Waste Week
The aim of Zero Waste Week is reduce landfill waste,[5] increase recycling and encourage people to participate in the circular economy.[6] A Zero Waste Week campaign runs predominantly on social media and the internet and aim to reach people who want to reduce their...
Earth Day is April 22nd!
Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by EARTHDAY.ORG (formerly Earth Day Network)[1] including 1 billion people in more...
Actions and Campaigns
Worker-Community Solidarity in the Struggle for a Zero Waste Future
By Nona Chai of The Just Transition Alliance On May 9th, environmental justice (EJ) organizers joined the International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ Waste and Recycling Division at their Western Region Waste Meeting in Covina, California – to build alignment...
SB 54: Not a Fairytale Ending for EJ Communities
By Melisa Walk of Pacoima Beautiful What is “SB 54” ? SB 54 is the first legislation in United States history to set specific producer reduction goals to address plastic packaging. California Senate Bill 54: “The Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging...
Petrochemical Impunity Must Be Stopped
By Tyler Norman of The Just Transition Alliance Signs warning of contaminated water and fish, Houston Ship Channel. Photo credit: Lauren Murphy, Amnesty International In January 2024, both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch released reports...
EJCAP Flyers
Descriptive flyers for print
How to Recycle Light Bulbs
All types of light bulbs are recyclable, even those that contain traces of mercury. In fact, some types of light bulbs must be recycled—when tossed in the trash, they leach environmentally harmful chemicals into the soil and groundwater.12 How to Recycle Light Bulbs...
The Truth about Recycling in the U.S.
The Last Beach Clean Up and Beyond Plastics’ report “The Real Truth About the U.S. Plastics Recycling Rate” documents a recycling rate of just 5-6% for post-consumer plastic waste in the U.S. for 2021. The report also reveals that while plastics recycling is on the...